Saturday, December 1, 2012

Plan of Action Process


  • This is appropriate for evaluating e-commerce infrastructure. Using industry standards, the organization can determine whtat the industry is spending on e-CRM. Then the organization can decide how much it should spend. 
  • Benchmarks may be industry metrics or best practices recommended by professional association or consultants 
  • definitely spends time and money on their website. AllSaints understands that the website is a very important part of their business, and a lot of their customers solely shop online. Therefore, they must make the shopping experience as convenient and succesful as possible. AllSaints offers excellent graphics, and videos that they know will make their customer who is shopping online, get a similar experience as if they were shopping in the store. 

Metrics of Success:

The following listed below, are some of the most important metrics that should monitor:

  • New Visitor Conversion Rate: Most etailers rarely differentiate between their new and return visior conversion rates. By isolating the new visitor conversion rate, AllSaints would be able to see a clearer picure of whats happening when first time visitors land on their site from search engines or other ad campaigns
  • Return Visitor Conversion Rate: Unfortunately, not everyone buys on the first visit. The next best thing however, is getting them back to AllSaints site. By analayzing their return visitor conversion rate, they can see how likely someone is to convert their return traffic. Most likely, a site will find that their return visitor conversion rate is the higher of the two.  
  • Landing Pate Bounce Rates: A bounce occurs when a visitor visits a page on your site, and immediately clicks away and goes no further. High bounce rates can be caused by a number of factors including excessive loading times, irrelevant contant, unattractive site design, ect. AllSasints needs to be sure to monitor their bounce rates on all important entry pages including their homepage and any other landing pages. AllSaints has a low bounce rate due to their fast loading time, and having a very attractive site design.  

  • Pageviews/Visit: Pageviews per visit can reflect how well your site engages your audience. An increasing nuber of pageviews per visit can indicate that your content is interesting, therefore visitors are spending more time browsing it. However, a high pageviews per visit metric can also indicate uneccesarily complication processes such as checkout or product browsing.
  • Shopping cart/checkout abandonment rate: AllSaints needs to measure what percentage of visitors abandon the shopping process at each step during their checkout. For example, how many abandon after adding an item to the cart? After entering shipping and billing info? After entering credit card info? Too high of an abandonment rate could signal a serious checkout problem. can improve by utilizing this plan of action process using these benchmarks and metrics of success. 


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